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Explore the Redmond Historical Society Blog

Resource Guide - Resilience: A Conversation with Knute Berger
Thank you for your interest in this Saturday Speaker Series presentation! We hope you enjoyed this informative discussion with Knute...
Feb 15, 2021

Redmond Senior Center: ‘Thanks for the Memories!’
We bid a fond farewell to the Redmond Senior Center (RSC), which opened in 1990 under Redmond Mayor Doreen Marchione. The RSC was a hub...
Dec 9, 2020

Zoom Webinar FAQ
How do I register for an RHS event? How do I join the webinar? When does the webinar start? What equipment do I need? How do I join the...
Dec 2, 2020

Redmond History: 2011-2012
2011 1/7 A fire in one of the eight buildings at Sammamish Ridge Apartments, 14820 Redmond Way, causes David Thompson, 32, and his four...
Aug 25, 2020

Redmond History: 2001-2010
2001 The League of American Bicyclists designates Redmond a Bicycle-Friendly Community, 52nd city to receive the honor (Hardy Timeline II...
Aug 25, 2020

Resource Guide - New Deal Postal Murals of the Pacific Northwest
Thank you for your interest in this virtual Saturday Speaker Series presentation! We hope you enjoyed this informative discussion with...
Aug 12, 2020

LeRoy Olson Celebrates 100th Birthday
By Cynthia Edin LeRoy Olson hit the world running on July 11, 1920, and hasn’t stopped since. Born the first of seven children on a farm...
Aug 4, 2020

Derby Days Moves Online for 2020
“Penny Farthing” by Crystal A Edwards Derby Days looks a little different this year, but there are still ways to celebrate this...
Jul 6, 2020

History and the Redmond Pioneer Cemetery
Not all cemeteries are equal; some are fastidiously maintained acres of lawn and granite while others are tucked away...
Jun 16, 2020

History at Home
Not able to visit? No problem! If there is an item in our collection of Obituaries, or Oral History Recordings that particularly...
May 11, 2020

Nokomis Club: Century of Service (1909 - 2009)
We have Alexa Munoz to thank for compiling the history of Washington state's oldest service group -- the Nokomis Club, which was founded...
Feb 13, 2020

2014 Derby Days
It was another fabulous community event with Redmond Historical Society entry in the annual parade:
Jan 17, 2020

2013 Derby Days
With Redmond Historical Society entry in the annual parade, we carried our banner:
Jan 17, 2020

2012 Derby Days
Annual downtown parade entry for Redmond Historical Society, during the grand Centenial Celebration in July 2012. It was a great day for...
Jan 17, 2020

Derby Days 70th Anniversary in 2010
Redmond Derby Days celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2010! It’s a summer tradition that came to life at the end of the Depression. Derby...
Jan 17, 2020

Derby Days 66th Anniversary in 2008
Redmond Derby Days, which celebrated its 66th anniversary in 2008, is a summer tradition that came to life in 1939, at the end of the ...
Jan 17, 2020

1968 Derby Day Queen's Mother Held 1949 Title
Like mother like daughter, Debbie Janus was crowned new queen of the Redmond Bike Derby Saturday, a title her mother held in 1949....
Jan 17, 2020

Redmond History: 1991-2000
1991 Redmond has sixteen parks and offers 900+ recreational classes (Hardy Timeline II 11) Redmond is 14 square miles with the second...
Nov 12, 2019

Redmond History: 1981-1990
1981 6/6 Redmond Golf Links closes (Hardy Timeline II 9) 8/ Redmond resident, Lecia Renaud, is crowned Derby Days queen, and becomes...
Nov 12, 2019

Redmond History: 1971-1980
1971 Elise Farrel-McWhirter dies, and bequeaths property to the City for a park (Hardy Timeline II 7) The King County Urban Trails Plan...
Nov 12, 2019
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