Thank you for your interest in this Saturday Speaker Series presentation! We hope you enjoyed this informative discussion with Ross Reynolds and will consider joining us for future events.

Please note the Redmond Historical Society does not hold a recording of this program.
However, an earlier recording of “How Audio Technology Changed the World” with Humanities Washington speaker and broadcaster Ross Reynold’s is currently available through Town Hall Seattle at
You may also view some of Ross Reynolds's future engagements and the full schedule of Humanities Washington Programs at
Please read below for additional resources.
Although we live in a visual world, audio still has the power to create intimacy and spark the imagination like no other medium can. Join us on October 8 as veteran broadcaster Ross Reynolds explores the impact that audio transmission has had on society and storytelling, beginning with the first century of radio up to the modern age of audiobooks, internet streaming, podcasts, and smart speakers. How has audio transmission changed society, and what makes it such a still powerful form of communication?
Attendees will be encouraged to share stories of their formative audio experiences, and local radio broadcasters and podcasters will be invited to share their stories.
Speaker bio: Ross Reynolds (he/him) joins us courtesy of Humanities Washington. He is an interviewer, moderator, and convener. He recently served as KUOW’s executive producer for community engagement, before which he was a program host for 16 years. His awards include the 2011 Public Radio News Directors First Place in the call-in category for Living in a White City. In 2015, he was named to the University of Washington Communication Alumni Hall of Fame.
Recommended Reading
A Tower in Babel: A History of Broadcasting in the United States to 1933, Erik Barnouw. Oxford University Press, 1966.
The Medium Is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects (1st ed.), Marshall McLuhan with Quentin Fiore, produced by Jerome Agel. Random House, 1967.
The Influencing Machine: Brooke Gladstone on the Media, Brook Gladstone, Josh Neufield. W.W. Norton & Company, 2011.
Merchants of Truth: The Business of News and the Fight for Facts, Jill Abramson. Simon & Schuster, 2019.