About RHS Governance
The Redmond Historical Society (RHS) is a membership organization operating under the Non-Profit Corporations Act in the state of Washington. Authorizing documents include:
The Articles and Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Washington State Secretary of State
Charitable Organization approval, issued by the Washington State Secretary of State
RHS Bylaws, as amended and approved by the membership
The Internal Revenue Service Letter of Recognition as a 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit entity
The RHS is not among the City of Redmond's boards and commissions, nor a city department, but we do receive funding and in-kind support from the City and in turn, work closely with the City.
The affairs, policies and property of the corporation are managed by a Board of Directors and its Executive Committee consisting of the Elected Officers and appointed Directors at Large.
The operation and management of the day-to-day affairs of the Society are under the control of the Executive Committee. The work of the Society is carried out by a number of standing committees assisted by staff.
Our finances are public records and may be viewed at the office.